Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Weighty Issue?

My semi-failure of a Spranged Windows experiment was my first attempt at weighting sections of my warp instead of beaming them.  I had a collection of small fishing weights, but my sections were fairly large due to my memory lapse during measuring of the warp (described in the experiment post), so I didn't think the fishing weights would provide enough tension.  Instead I raided my pantry as you can see in the photo.

This comical setup got me thinking that some larger weights might be a good addition to my collection.  I thought it would be cool to have a weight from each of my brothers and mom and pop, so I put one-pound fishing weights on my Christmas list.

One brother responded (I guess I asked too late as everyone else had different gift plans), but he did give me eight of them.  No more ugly soup cans slipping out of their knots and clunking to the floor. Thanks, Jon!

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