Working with hemp again: my concept is maybe a shopping/produce bag. But hemp has so much body to it, the rows don't really pack down evenly so it makes a very springy sprang. When I worked with this fiber before, I liked the product after it had been boiled to soften it, so I'm hoping that will help this one behave too.

Here's the setup I am using for this sprang bag. I wanted as long a warp as I could manage on this frame. The warp goes up over the top PVC pipe and down to the holding stick. When I complete a row of sprang, I am transferring the twist up over the pipe and down the the other end of the warp.
The stop-cord sticks (held together with rubber bands so they don't slip out) aren't really crooked. That's just the energy of the twisted hemp causing the whole fabric to twist.
I will be demonstrating sprang technique on this setup next Saturday and Sunday November 23 & 24, at the
Designing Weavers Exhibit and Holiday Sale.
Two of my wall pieces will be on exhibit, and several of my bags and Flutter-by scarves will be for sale, along with lots of other beautiful creations by this group of fiber artists.