If you're weaving along, follow the draft in this post. Weave plain weave for a hem and a bit further until you are where you want to start the flowers. Then use one pick of the pattern with your colored yarn, and one pick of tabby with your ground yarn. Then the next pick of the pattern with the color, then the opposite tabby pick with the ground. Weave 7 picks of plain weave between each flower row.
Weave along
and get a chance to win the Towel of the Month! You do not have to
weave every month, just the towels that interest you. If you are
weaving along, please leave a comment to let us all know. Put a link or
url in the comment to a photo (on your Flickr, Picasaweb, Photobucket,
your blog etc.) of your work in progress. Deadline to post you r comment
is midnight GMT Apr 30, 2014.